Slow is the only way to go

A new year, a new start and a new month – January named after Janus as my erudite cousin Liz reminded me. Janus was the Roman god of transitions, whose two faces were both reflecting and looking forward. It’s easy to reflect on the calm of the inland waterways (until you meet another boat at a blind bridge of course!).

So as we float gently into another year we look back with gratitude on another year afloat. Steve completed the London Marathon despite Covid delaying his attempts and training. We cruised south for it, after enjoying time on gorgeous waterways in the north. We’ve been hugely fortunate with a year of health, family and friends, love and laughter, work in balance and 365 days of discovery.

My resolutions for 2022 are simple:

  1. Continue to live slowly and seasonally – recognising how rewarding that makes our lives. Slow living allows us to savour moments at work and rest, making the most of life. Work/life balance is about feeling good about what we do and how we do it. We shouldn’t feel bad about doing things slowly and well.
  2. Give at least one smile a day – family, friend, or stranger.
  3. Look for the positive lessons in everything. I won’t beat myself up about things that don’t work but take positives from why they didn’t to move on effectively.
  4. Walk more (aim on 2000+ miles this year) and cut food miles.
  5. Capture a decent close up photograph of a kingfisher – so 365 days of trying!

Thank you for joining our journeys and coming with us as as we float gently through inland waterways, living and working a much enriched life en route.

We look ahead to finding out what lies ahead in another fresh new year, glad to have learned in time that the little things are what really matters.

Life is a journey for us all to enjoy and savour.

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