Many happy returns

Returning to familiar places, familiar things and retracing your steps can sound faintly boring but it provides new perspectives, new opportunities to see things differently if you are prepared to do so, and can foster moments of familiar comfort, alongside a capacity to still surprise. This week that’s exactly what we’ve been doing on theContinue reading “Many happy returns”

Some just have everything

Canals are remarkably like people. They each have their own character, their awkward bits, their lovely parts and their idiosyncrasies. Some, just like some people, seem to be blessed with everything, and that goes for the Macclesfield where we’re moored right now. The Macc has beauty, history, the right amount of challenge and some ofContinue reading “Some just have everything”

Genuine teamwork and beneficial disasters

Isn’t it always the way? You set out with great ideals or should that be ideas, and then things change en route, the direction veers off, but often if you can make it, the final result can be better for the diversion. The glory of living and working from the boat as continuous cruisers isContinue reading “Genuine teamwork and beneficial disasters”