Many happy returns

Returning to familiar places, familiar things and retracing your steps can sound faintly boring but it provides new perspectives, new opportunities to see things differently if you are prepared to do so, and can foster moments of familiar comfort, alongside a capacity to still surprise. This week that’s exactly what we’ve been doing on theContinue reading “Many happy returns”

Make your own choices

This week, after months of trying, we completed our journey down the Rochdale Canal. It was the only one of the three trans-Pennine canals we had yet to navigate. It has been a passage that has taught us much about the benefits of physical effort, determination, and making up our ownminds, making our own decisions.Continue reading “Make your own choices”

Mouse on board!

In mid August on a balmy morning walk with the dog, a small person (aged 3) picked up a number of pink granite stones from a path. The stones are quarried nearby to where we were then moored and where we used to live, in the pleasant riverside Leicestershire village of Mountsorrel. We used theContinue reading “Mouse on board!”

A new take on life

What we think of our world depends on how we look at and interact with it. We’ve chosen to move more slowly by living and working afloat and we know that has allowed us, in fact given us the priviledge, of seeing things differently. It’s possible to see more of the world unfolding in frontContinue reading “A new take on life”

How to belong – anywhere

Food for thought time this week. Being on a boat, moving about all the time has given me a heightened sense of belonging which seems so strange, when it doesn’t seem as if now I belong anywhere! It’s made me curious about what it is that makes us feel we belong? Is there anything fromContinue reading “How to belong – anywhere”