Many happy returns

Returning to familiar places, familiar things and retracing your steps can sound faintly boring but it provides new perspectives, new opportunities to see things differently if you are prepared to do so, and can foster moments of familiar comfort, alongside a capacity to still surprise. This week that’s exactly what we’ve been doing on theContinue reading “Many happy returns”

Future proofing for life

I don’t know who I’m working for. I only know the effort I am now putting into living differently is hard work, but I can see some instant benefits, and that is encouraging, reaping rewards encourages increased action. I recognise it isn’t enough to work towards my own future, or that of my children orContinue reading “Future proofing for life”

Value in reflection and remembrance

We are coming out of Lockdown 3 in a way that mirrors our life afloat – slow but sure. There’s no point in rushing things. Taking time can prevent accidents as I know too well. My own unscheduled, never-to-be-forgotten, plunge into the icy waters of the River Soar not far from a weir was theContinue reading “Value in reflection and remembrance”