Logistics, history and waters meet for us

When you know something is going to be the last for a while it takes on a special quality, a poignancy, perhaps even an importance out of all proportion. That is what we’re aware of this week, and it’s  good thing, a valuable opportunity. Our last cruising time for a while has been a mixtureContinue reading “Logistics, history and waters meet for us”

Wonder is wonderfully inspiring

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to get up in the mornings, and other times I marvel we manage to get anything done at all, such are the myriad distractions on offer but to be able to wonder, to marvel at something created by man or nature can be truly breath-taking and inspirational. We’ve encounteredContinue reading “Wonder is wonderfully inspiring”

The week that was was – high speed, highly positive and unexpected

If we had any doubts about why we live afloat this week has surely banished them.  We started our week in Braunston, the Northamptonshire junction which has been a focus of the waterways for writers, artists and photographers for generations. It used to be buzzing with working boats, but now houses a flourishing marina, theContinue reading “The week that was was – high speed, highly positive and unexpected”

Time for a change

At last we’re off – heading to new waterways, new horizons and new adventures. It seems like we’ve been treading water for the past few months, waiting for the London Marathon to come and go, waiting for the date for our welding work to be done – which has been literally lifechanging. We’ve been soContinue reading “Time for a change”

Reflections on what matters

In the past 10 days we’ve both been away from the boat which has given valuable time for reflection. Reflection about what really matters. Living and working afloat as we do provides two key essentials that are reaffirming and invaluable – choice and freedom. To be free to go and help instantly where and whenContinue reading “Reflections on what matters”

Full Monty shows the power of volunteers

This week we’ve been on one of the shortest stretches of canal new to us – the 7 miles of the Montgomery Canal (known as the Monty). This stunning canal which straddles the Anglo Welsh border is beautiful, special (site of special scientific interest SSSI) peaceful (at the moment) and well worth a visit byContinue reading “Full Monty shows the power of volunteers”

Giving up

Scouring the news for glimmers of positivity seems an exhausting process – but we all need these to give us hope, not just about the current situation, but for our own wellbeing. Looking around us and making our contribution to improving the world around us can be one way to help us get through bleakContinue reading “Giving up”

Sod’s Law and Tiger Traits

This Year of the Tiger is about courage, bravery, and resilience. We’ve all been developing and drawing on those in these recent years, but perhaps now more than ever as post pandemic stresses build, we are going to need our tiger qualities. In a small way we’ve drawn on them a lot this week, discoveringContinue reading “Sod’s Law and Tiger Traits”

Gratitude – the gift that gives

Io Saturnalia! Happy Solstice! and almost Merry Christmas! Are you ready – wi These significant festivals begin this week with the official start of winter. It marks a time of ending and beginning, launches a time of taking stock, counting our blessings if you will, and being grateful – all of which done positively isContinue reading “Gratitude – the gift that gives”

Iced up and frozen solid

What a week – snow, ice, frozen ropes, rain, fieldfares, owls, kingfishers and fantastic community spirit. Living afloat on England’s inland waterways makes us much more aware of that archetypal English conversation staple – the weather. We live in it much more than we did amid bricks and mortar. Winds buffet the boat, sometimes gently,Continue reading “Iced up and frozen solid”