Logistics, history and waters meet for us

When you know something is going to be the last for a while it takes on a special quality, a poignancy, perhaps even an importance out of all proportion. That is what we’re aware of this week, and it’s  good thing, a valuable opportunity. Our last cruising time for a while has been a mixtureContinue reading “Logistics, history and waters meet for us”

Learning from other worlds

It was a delight this week to learn of an entire world far removed from the selfishness and greed of UK politics. A world that thrives by connecting, communicating and supporting itself and others, whether they look like it or look differently. I mean the world of… fungi. Going on a foraging course I reallyContinue reading “Learning from other worlds”

Accessing services on the move

People often ask how we manage, living as happy narrowboat nomads, to access the services they take for granted like doctors and dentists. Fortunately we haven’t yet needed anything in an emergency and even more fortunately we are continuous cruisers in the UK with its incredible NHS (something we must fight to protect). We haveContinue reading “Accessing services on the move”

Locked down in an active firing range, flights and foraging for Christmas

In less than a week we have managed to travel through 3 counties and 4 canals (good going at a maximum speed of 3mph; got locked into a military firing range on a live firing day (our lockdown 3); and begun preparing for Christmas with permitted flights and foraging . We left the Ashby Canal,Continue reading “Locked down in an active firing range, flights and foraging for Christmas”