Happy Christmas!

This Christmas, some former UK veterans will celebrate having homes thanks to the charity we’ve donated to in lieu of sending cards. They won’t only have a home, but one that floats with all the benefits we know that brings for physical and mental health. Bringing boats that need new owners, often boats that haveContinue reading “Happy Christmas!”

Hot stuff

If we had £1 for every time someone says “Is it cold on there? Or “ don’t live on your boat in winter do you?” – we’d be rich! No one ever seems to ask “Is it boiling in there at this time of the year ?” though and the answer is a resounding YES! Continue reading “Hot stuff”

Probation – for us and a new crewmate

It’s 5 months since our gorgeous cocker spaniel Cola left us, and they have been long, often lonely months without him, for me at least. We had 15 years together, and he was a brilliant family dog. Non dog lovers may struggle to understand so I shall try and spell out how it has felt.Continue reading “Probation – for us and a new crewmate”

Sort your life out – online and in person

Boaters know only too well the impact of too much stuff. Life becomes more difficult – it’s physically more difficult and uncomfortable to move around an overcrowded boat. Life also becomes mentally more difficult – “the clutter effect” psychologists say. It results in increased stress, lower life satisfaction and I’m not talking about hoarders, butContinue reading “Sort your life out – online and in person”

Are you well balanced? We’re not…yet!

It’s only too late to get back on an even keel when you’ve capsized… a thought for us all and particularly those of us who live on boats where prevention is definitely better than cure.  So this week has been about rebalancing our lives…and our home. It’s so easy when you have a 50 xContinue reading “Are you well balanced? We’re not…yet!”

Accessing services on the move

People often ask how we manage, living as happy narrowboat nomads, to access the services they take for granted like doctors and dentists. Fortunately we haven’t yet needed anything in an emergency and even more fortunately we are continuous cruisers in the UK with its incredible NHS (something we must fight to protect). We haveContinue reading “Accessing services on the move”