365 Boatdog days

It’s a year since our ‘new’ furry Boatdog came aboard. She is her own character – nothing like her beloved furry predecessor Cola and definitely with a mind of her own. She spent the first six and a half years of her life as a breeding bitch, producing 4 litters of cockerpoo pups in thatContinue reading “365 Boatdog days”

The week that was was – high speed, highly positive and unexpected

If we had any doubts about why we live afloat this week has surely banished them.  We started our week in Braunston, the Northamptonshire junction which has been a focus of the waterways for writers, artists and photographers for generations. It used to be buzzing with working boats, but now houses a flourishing marina, theContinue reading “The week that was was – high speed, highly positive and unexpected”

Time for a change

At last we’re off – heading to new waterways, new horizons and new adventures. It seems like we’ve been treading water for the past few months, waiting for the London Marathon to come and go, waiting for the date for our welding work to be done – which has been literally lifechanging. We’ve been soContinue reading “Time for a change”

Probation – for us and a new crewmate

It’s 5 months since our gorgeous cocker spaniel Cola left us, and they have been long, often lonely months without him, for me at least. We had 15 years together, and he was a brilliant family dog. Non dog lovers may struggle to understand so I shall try and spell out how it has felt.Continue reading “Probation – for us and a new crewmate”