Give, give up & give time to feel good

This weekend in London,  50,000 of the 500,000 runners who applied will run the 26.2 miles of the London Marathon. It will be the culmination of hundreds of hours of training for each runner, many long, lonely cold, and wet hours through the winter, getting their minds and bodies ready for this moment. Since itContinue reading “Give, give up & give time to feel good”

Complete – appreciate – but dynamism demands we look ahead, not back

 A massive thank you from me this week to every generous sponsor whose input willed me on and helps the incredible charity MIND to support individuals with mental health issues, mild and major, and their families. We all need to feel good about being here on this earth, about being us and any work thatContinue reading “Complete – appreciate – but dynamism demands we look ahead, not back”

Leaving home

How do you leave your home for the holidays? Empty the fridge, check doors and windows are closed, pull the front door shut, turn the key in the lock, perhaps even set a burglar alarm, and head off.  Similarly how do you leave the office for a break? Put up an out-of-office email, log outContinue reading “Leaving home”