Wonder is wonderfully inspiring

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to get up in the mornings, and other times I marvel we manage to get anything done at all, such are the myriad distractions on offer but to be able to wonder, to marvel at something created by man or nature can be truly breath-taking and inspirational. We’ve encounteredContinue reading “Wonder is wonderfully inspiring”

The week that was was – high speed, highly positive and unexpected

If we had any doubts about why we live afloat this week has surely banished them.  We started our week in Braunston, the Northamptonshire junction which has been a focus of the waterways for writers, artists and photographers for generations. It used to be buzzing with working boats, but now houses a flourishing marina, theContinue reading “The week that was was – high speed, highly positive and unexpected”

Time for a change

At last we’re off – heading to new waterways, new horizons and new adventures. It seems like we’ve been treading water for the past few months, waiting for the London Marathon to come and go, waiting for the date for our welding work to be done – which has been literally lifechanging. We’ve been soContinue reading “Time for a change”

Probation – for us and a new crewmate

It’s 5 months since our gorgeous cocker spaniel Cola left us, and they have been long, often lonely months without him, for me at least. We had 15 years together, and he was a brilliant family dog. Non dog lovers may struggle to understand so I shall try and spell out how it has felt.Continue reading “Probation – for us and a new crewmate”

Sort your life out – online and in person

Boaters know only too well the impact of too much stuff. Life becomes more difficult – it’s physically more difficult and uncomfortable to move around an overcrowded boat. Life also becomes mentally more difficult – “the clutter effect” psychologists say. It results in increased stress, lower life satisfaction and I’m not talking about hoarders, butContinue reading “Sort your life out – online and in person”

Leaving home

How do you leave your home for the holidays? Empty the fridge, check doors and windows are closed, pull the front door shut, turn the key in the lock, perhaps even set a burglar alarm, and head off.  Similarly how do you leave the office for a break? Put up an out-of-office email, log outContinue reading “Leaving home”

Channelling our inner detectives – hell with water

Living afloat we are very aware of the importance of water for life and for transport. News stories this week warn of a current drought risk across parts of England. That’s a commercial danger for agriculture. The map from the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology indicates it could affect our cruising plans this year.Continue reading “Channelling our inner detectives – hell with water”

Comfort zone 0: Benefit immense (apparently)

History tells when the Athenians learned the Persians had landed at Marathon en route to attack Athens in 490 BC, a messenger ran to Sparta for help. This first ‘marathon runner’ covered 260 kilometres of rugged terrain in less than two days! A runner (probably the same poor chap) subsequently ran from Marathon to AthensContinue reading “Comfort zone 0: Benefit immense (apparently)”

We don’t know what we’ve got ’til it’s gone

We take so many things for granted – lights that come on at the flick of a switch (thanks to our batteries and solar), water that runs at the turn of a tap (thanks to our tank and Canal and River Trust water points) and these days the apparently vital ability to summon maps, searchContinue reading “We don’t know what we’ve got ’til it’s gone”

Are you well balanced? We’re not…yet!

It’s only too late to get back on an even keel when you’ve capsized… a thought for us all and particularly those of us who live on boats where prevention is definitely better than cure.  So this week has been about rebalancing our lives…and our home. It’s so easy when you have a 50 xContinue reading “Are you well balanced? We’re not…yet!”